Application Details

TxCEIA awards two students a $500 scholarships each year!

  1. The Jimmie Henslee 2-Year School Intern Scholarship Award

    • To a student attending a 2-year technical institute or community college.

  2. The Bob Foley 4-Year School Intern Scholarship Award

    • To a student attending a 4-year college or university. 

Application Elgibility:

  • Student must be attending a TxCEIA member school.

  • Scholarship will be awarded to a current and/or continuing 2-year or 4-year school student.

  • Scholarship will be awarded to a 2-year or 4-year school student who has completed or is participating in a relevant work experience to include an internship/co-op/practicum.


Want to get started gathering application materials? Scholarship applications are composed of the following materials:

  • Cover letter (example),

  • Resume,

  • Unofficial transcript,

  • Work experience essay (not to exceed one page),

  • and written proof of work experience (i.e. employer letter or email confirmation or employer job performance evaluation).

Other supporting documents including letters of recommendation or commendations may be submitted. If all required information is not completed and required documentation is not submitted, your application will not be processed. If you have any questions, please contact your University Career Services office or Internships office.